Our Work
Helping children flourish in healthy homes upheld by strong, empowered communities.
Our Approach
Child-centric intervention and trauma-informed care to help children heal in loving homes.

Our Programs
After-School Center
Academic support, hot meals, counseling and life-skills for children.
Children receive specialized care and support from our tutors, counselors and social workers. We take a two-way approach and engage students’ families in our family strengthening program as well.
Emergency Shelter
Short-term care for children in crisis.
When children have to be removed from unsafe situations by government services, we provide love and protection through our short-term emergency shelter. We work with the children and their families or networks toward a safe long-term family solution.
We also have a strong emphasis on counseling and healing the wounds of trauma inflicted on our children. We are one of the only homes that provides this service. In fact, we often have children in the community referred to our organization just for counseling.
Family Strengthening
Empowering family preservation and reintegration.
When families face overwhelming circumstances, we come alongside them and provide emergency support, counseling, and training so families can flourish and children are safe.
Trauma-Informed Care
Providing paradigm-shifting training in Trauma-Informed Care.
We educate parents, community members, professionals, and government offices on how to understand and care for children who have experienced trauma and loss. This also prevents violence against children.
Reintegration Support Services
Providing assistance to orphanages interested in transitioning to permanent, safe family solutions.
Trust for Africa is the first children’s home in Lesotho to transition from a children’s home to permanent family solutions for children. Leading by example, we provide technical support to orphanages in Lesotho. We have joined a global movement that is listening to research, personal experience, and scripture that shows children grow best in families, not in orphanages.
Lesotho Partners
Global Partners and Affiliations
Stories from the Heart
Reuniting children with safe families — where they can belong.
From Struggle to Success: Sarah's Journey to Finding Family
When Sarah was born, her mother was a child herself -- only 15 years old. Her mother spent some time living at an orphanage with her siblings. The cycle continued as Sarah ended up in an orphanage... but Sarah's story takes a different turn.
Trafficker Caught — Community Protection in Action
A pleasant stranger approached the girl and asked a lot of personal questions...
Fostering Two Generations
Mamello was only ten years old when local authorities intervened and placed her at Trust for Africa (TFA)...